In 2023 Kyra dedicated herself to authoring a full-length novel that explores human connection and grief. After months of early mornings, late nights, and constant conversations with alpha and sensitivity readers, Kyra finished the book in September.
Lines blur between magic and the everyday as this novel follows the lives of four Seers in the historic city of Charleston, SC. Each character has been blessed, or cursed, with the ability to see the strings sewn through humanity’s stories. Loss, love, harm, and healing weave through the tapestry of this book as our Seers grapple with the cost of their sight and the toll it takes on their souls.
Short stories are sprinkled through the greater one when each character gets taken down the strings. Sometimes these stories clash. Where one character sees grief, another sees love. Where one sees harm, another sees potential healing and hope. And when their lives unravel, secrets are revealed that threaten to undo them.
This novel explores many facets of the human experience, but specifically what happens when grief walks into our lives. While grappling with the weight of their city's strings, our four Seers must also face their own traumas.
Can they heal together, or will their wounds rub each other raw?
Can they learn to lean on one another while navigating a city this deeply woven?
want more?
Publishing is a lengthy process.
Currently the book is with beta readers and will move into the next phase of editing in November.
If you would like occasional updates, book snippets, and opportunities to beta or arc read, sign up for the author’s newsletter below.
DISCLAIMER: The book title, cover design, and synopsis on this page are not final, and are unconfirmed at this point in the publishing process.